Conteúdo do artigo principal

Pedro Antonio Gomes Maciel
Renata da Silva Adonias Dantas
Jussara Evila Pinheiro Bastos
André Luis Sant´Anna
Raimunda Tânia Pinheiro de Oliveira
Hermes Melo Teixeira Batista


The causes of forgetfulness episodes in the elderly can occur for a variety of reasons, among which we highlight the presence of dementia, which can negatively infer senile cognition, memory, language and communication. Dementia is a condition in which the individual loses part of the brain functions, causing neurological deficits that directly affect his quality of life. This study discusses the importance of Neuropsychological Assessment as a fundamental tool for the diagnosis of degenerative disease, before the complaints of oblivion related to the advancing age. The results indicated that the use of this method of examination can indicate the therapeutic intervention in an adequate time, allowing the improvement of the quality of life for the elderly.



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Como Citar
Maciel, P. A. G., Dantas, R. da S. A., Bastos, J. E. P., Sant´Anna, A. L., Oliveira, R. T. P. de, & Batista, H. M. T. (2018). THE IMPORTANCE OF NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF DEMENTIA IN THE ELDERLY. Amadeus International Multidisciplinary Journal, 3(5), 17–27.
Biografia do Autor

Pedro Antonio Gomes Maciel, Federal University of Ceará, Brasil

Professora Adjunta.

Renata da Silva Adonias Dantas, Faculty Santa Emília de Rodat. Brazil

2 Graduation in Nursing at the Faculty Santa Emília de Rodat. Brazil

Jussara Evila Pinheiro Bastos, Graduation in Nursing at the Terra Nordeste. Brazil.

3 Graduation in Nursing at the Terra Nordeste. Brazil.  

André Luis Sant´Anna, University Gama Filho – RJ

4 Graduated in Medicine at the University Gama Filho – RJ. Residency in Orthopedics and Traumatology at Hospital Municipal Barata Ribeiro - RJ. Contact:;

Raimunda Tânia Pinheiro de Oliveira, Faculty of Medicine of ABC - SP. Brazil

5 Raimunda Tânia Pinheiro de Oliveira5 doctor student

 in Health Sciences from the Faculty of Medicine of ABC - SP. Brazil.

Hermes Melo Teixeira Batista, Faculty of Medicine of Juazeiro do Norte-Estácio

6 Doctor by the Federal University of Ceará. Medical doctor from the Cariri Regional Hospital and Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of  Juazeiro do Norte-Estácio. Master's Degree in Health Sciences from the Faculty of Medicine of ABC - SP. Contact:



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