Conteúdo do artigo principal
Breast cancer is a very common pathology in the female environment, being the second largest cause of neoplasia in Brazil. Surgical treatment with mastectomy is seen as resolving in most cases, but breast reconstruction is crucial for improving the psychological aspects of the patient, since the removal of the breast without the oncoplastic can trigger emotional, stress and sadness problems. Breast reconstruction may be immediate, when performed in the postoperative period of the mastectomy, or late, when performed at any time postoperatively. The mastectomy, in isolation, can leave the patient with visible scars, aesthetic deformities in the breasts, causing greater psychological problems such as anxiety, depression, panic syndrome, distortion of body self-image, as well as sexual dysfunctions. Thus, there are still gaps in knowledge in the analysis of the psychological impact and, of course, new researches that analyze the psychological factor in mastectomized women with and without immediate breast reconstruction are crucial to better work the moment of vulnerability that these patients are going through.
Keywords: Mastectomy; Breast cancer; Oncoplastic; Breast reconstruction; Psychological problems.
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