Evaluation of School Learning: The Pedagogical Alignment of Evaluation Practices

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Eliabe Bezerra de Oliveira Silva


This article deals with the relation between evaluation of school performance and other types of evaluation. The purpose of this paper is not to propose internal school evaluation as the central axis in the teaching-learning process, considering the ethical, political, pedagogical and social aspects throughout the evaluation process. The method was the direct observation of the evaluation routines, in state schools of Juazeiro do Norte-Ceará. Bibliographic research was also used to interpret the content. The arguments were constructed in order to renew the discussion on the subject, making possible new relations. The results led us to believe that the pedagogical alignment of school evaluation with other types of evaluation is an essential tool within a systemic view of education. There are interchangeable relations between these evaluations, with implications in the relations among the social actors, in a quest for social equity. Therefore, the bases of school evaluation tend to change, starting from an ethical and political stance, that begin at the local level, within the school. All forms of evaluation, internal and eternal, should contribute to consolidate the circle of communication between the social actors involved in schooling and to "feed" an information network in order to support more effective public education policies.



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Como Citar
Silva, E. B. de O. (2017). Evaluation of School Learning: The Pedagogical Alignment of Evaluation Practices. Amadeus International Multidisciplinary Journal, 1(2), 17–30. https://doi.org/10.14295/aimj.v1i2.10
Biografia do Autor

Eliabe Bezerra de Oliveira Silva, Federal University of Ceará, Brasil

Professora Adjunta.


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