Evaluation of the Hygienic and Sanitary Conditions of Poultry Products Commercial Establishments in Street Markets

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Patrick Wayk Pacheco Santos
Beatriz Rocha Sousa Duarte
Larissa Alves Guimarães
Danielle Soares Silva
Thalita Fernandes Gonçalves
Poliana Fernandes Gonçalves
Mariele Oliveira Aguiar
Adriana Vanderlei do Amorim
Iaggo Raphael David Dantas dos Santos
Stenio Fernando Pimentel Duarte


Abstract: The street markets are an aggregational of commercial establishments where a variety of food products can be found, so we must consider the commercialization of these products and the hygienic conditions of these distribution places, which directly affect the quality of the food offered at these markets. This study aimed to evaluate the hygienic and sanitary conditions of the street market located in the southwest region of Bahia. Through this study, it was possible to identify that the main points that need improvement are regarding the hygiene habits of the handlers, how food storage works and the lack of water, which is one of the most critical points found during this evaluation. This study reinforces the need for supervision by the responsible agencies, so that educational actions can be implemented through courses, workshops and lectures in order to raise awareness about their managing and minimize the risks to public health.


Keywords: Evaluation. Poultry Checklist. Chicken. Hygienic-sanitary. Production.


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How to Cite
Santos, P. W. P., Duarte, B. R. S., Guimarães, L. A., Silva, D. S., Gonçalves, T. F., Gonçalves, P. F., Aguiar, M. O., Amorim, A. V. do, Santos, I. R. D. D. dos, & Duarte, S. F. P. (2019). Evaluation of the Hygienic and Sanitary Conditions of Poultry Products Commercial Establishments in Street Markets. Amadeus International Multidisciplinary Journal, 4(7), 79–85. https://doi.org/10.14295/aimj.v4i7.75
Author Biographies

Patrick Wayk Pacheco Santos, Faculty of Technology and science - FTC

1 Faculty of Technology and science - FTC - Vitória da Conquista Campus - BA


Beatriz Rocha Sousa Duarte, Public Health Foundation of Vitória da Conquista

2 Public Health Foundation of Vitória da Conquista; Polo Education Achievement;

Larissa Alves Guimarães, Public Health Foundation of Vitória da Conquista; Mauritius University Center of Nassau - UNISSAU

3 Public Health Foundation of Vitória da Conquista; Mauritius University Center of Nassau - UNISSAU;

Danielle Soares Silva, Vitória da Conquista Public Health Foundation

4 Vitória da Conquista Public Health Foundation;

Thalita Fernandes Gonçalves, FTC - Vitória da Conquista Campus – BA;

5 Study a Psychology on Faculty of Technology and science - FTC - Vitória da Conquista Campus – BA;

Poliana Fernandes Gonçalves, Faculty Independent of the Northeast;

6 Study a Pharmacy on Faculty Independent of the Northeast;

Mariele Oliveira Aguiar, Faculty Independent of the Northeast;

7 Study a Pharmacy on Faculty Independent of the Northeast;

Adriana Vanderlei do Amorim, Dentist o the ABEPO

8 Dentist o the ABEPO;

Iaggo Raphael David Dantas dos Santos, Paulista University - UNIP

9 Public Health Foundation of Vitória da Conquista - BA; Paulista University - UNIP, Vitória da Conquista campus – BA. iaggoraphaell@gmail.com;

Stenio Fernando Pimentel Duarte, Faculty of Technology and Sciences - UniFTC

10 Public Health Foundation of Vitória da Conquista - BA; Faculty of Technology and Sciences - UniFTC; St. Augustine School of Medicine; Independent College of the Northeast E-mail: steniofernando@gmail.com.



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