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Erikson de Luna Delmondes
Lucas Tavares Cruz de Albuquerque
Lilianny Medeiros Pereira


Treacher Collins Syndrome (TCS) is an autosomal dominant disorder that leads to congenital craniofacial malformation, and may then be assisted by the Padovan Method® for neurological rehabilitation. That being said, the aim of this article is to report the functional improvements obtained by a patient with TCS who underwent the Padovan Method®. The child was born on november 26th of 2014, cesarean delivery, 37 weeks, Apgar 9/10, weighted 3625g, PC = 35cm, C = 49CM, presenting mild respiratory discomfort, absence of suction and the presence of syndromic facies, which is characteristic of TCS with retrognathism, oblique palpebral cleft downward divergent strabismus on left, pointed ears with cleft lobes, narrow auditory canal, malar hypoplasia and narrow palate. Padovan therapy was initiated at the 6th day of life, from orofacial, vestibular, ocular and motor exercises that seek to recapitulate the neuroevolutionary phases of human development with the purpose of propitiating a motor and neurological maturation of the central nervous system (CNS) and the correction of its possible failures. The child presented suction on the second day of therapy and on the fifth day was discharged from the hospital with good suction to the breast. The patient was followed up on an outpatient office and was given physiotherapy and speech therapy. The patient no longer received the Padovan Method® because at that time it was not available outside the hospital. Upon returning to childcare at age of 3, a good motor coordination performance was noticed, also speaking few loose words, but with good interaction and understanding. Therefore, due to the lack of standard behavior in neonatal neurological rehabilitation, considering the concepts of neuroplasticity andknowing the importance of early intervention, the Padovan Method® is shown as an alternative in the CNS reorganization in patients with TCS.


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How to Cite
Delmondes, E. de L., Albuquerque, L. T. C. de, & Pereira, L. M. (2018). NEUROREHABILITATION WITH PADOVAN METHOD IN A NEWBORN WITH TREACHER COLLINS SYNDROME: A CASE REPORT. Amadeus International Multidisciplinary Journal, 3(5), 1–7.
Case Report


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