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Danielly Gonçalves Sombra Lima
Ageu de Oliveira Saraiva
Cicera Yolanda dos Santos
Sebastião Messias Ribeiro Oliveira
Rafael Pires Pereira
Wilson Gonçalves Sombra
Bráulio Gonçalves Sombra
Hermes Melo Teixeira Batista


The aim of the study was to characterize the heart rate variability in a patient with no comorbidities, submitted to buccomaxillofacial surgery under total venous anesthesia using the linear frequency and nonlinear methods in the chaos domain (Poincaré plot). Data collection was performed before, during and after the surgical procedure using a Polar V800 cardiofrequencymeter and subsequently analyzed and filtered using the Kumbios HRV 3.0 software. During propofol infusion, elevations in LF, HF, SD1 and SD2 were observed. The LF/HF ratio showed obvious changes, which were found to be maximal during extubation and submaximal during awakening under greater influence of the sympathetic nervous system. The moment of the incision has parameters similar to those of rest. Final surgery maintenance showed the lowest values of LH/HF and SD1/SD2, with lower LF and SD2 values compared to rest. During the awakening, there was a decrease in SD1 and HF, representing the moment of greatest fragility during the total venous anesthesia, being of fundamental importance future studies about their repercussions.




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How to Cite
Lima, D. G. S., Saraiva, A. de O., Santos, C. Y. dos, Oliveira, S. M. R., Pereira, R. P., Sombra, W. G., Sombra, B. G., & Batista, H. M. T. (2018). CHARACTERIZATION OF HEART RATE VARIABILITY DURING TOTAL VENOUS ANESTHESIA: A CASE REPORT. Amadeus International Multidisciplinary Journal, 2(4), 57–70.
Case Report
Author Biographies

Danielly Gonçalves Sombra Lima, Faculdade de Medicina Estácio de Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil




Ageu de Oliveira Saraiva, Faculdade de Medicina Estácio de Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil

Faculdade de Medicina Estácio de Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil

Cicera Yolanda dos Santos, Faculdade de Medicina Estácio de Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil

Faculdade de Medicina Estácio de Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil

Sebastião Messias Ribeiro Oliveira, Faculdade de Medicina Estácio de Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil

Faculdade de Medicina Estácio de Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil



Wilson Gonçalves Sombra2, Bráulio Gonçalves Sombra3, Hermes Melo Teixeira Batista1,4

Rafael Pires Pereira, Faculdade de Medicina Estácio de Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil

Faculdade de Medicina Estácio de Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil

Wilson Gonçalves Sombra, Maternidade de Campinas: Anesthesiology department (Campinas, Brazil)

Maternidade de Campinas: Anesthesiology department (Campinas, Brazil)


Bráulio Gonçalves Sombra, Hospital Maternidade Sao Vicente de Paula: Anesthesiology department (Barbalha, Brazil)

Hospital Maternidade Sao Vicente de Paula: Anesthesiology department (Barbalha, Brazil)


Hermes Melo Teixeira Batista, Faculdade de Medicina Estácio de Juazeiro do Norte (Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil)

Hospital Regional do Cariri: Anesthesiology department (Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil)


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