The Effectiveness of the Vaccine and the Reinfection Wave by Covid-19: What the Reports Shows

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Rivania Beatriz Novais Lima
Larissa Moreira Torres
Glauber Magalhães Pires
Maria Isabel Fernandes Peixoto Furtado
Ana Emilia Formiga Marques


COVID-19 is a disease caused by the new coronavirus designated SARS-COVS2. Discoveries about the particularities of COVID-19 are constant and challenging. Currently, it has been proven that the recurrence of the disease in the same individual is possible due to the variants that the virus has. This new reality has led to discussions about the real effectiveness of the vaccine in controlling the pandemic. Objective: To obtain, through updated and reliable literature, the main data on the effectiveness of the vaccine. This comment reviewed current articles from the year 2020 to 2021, published by journals such as The Lancet, CNN, BCC and others. Further studies were needed to prove the action of passive immunization of the new variants. Recently, epidemiological studies have shown that coronavirus infection and mortality rates are falling as vaccination progresses.


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How to Cite
Lima, R. B. N., Torres, L. M., Pires, G. M., Fernandes Peixoto Furtado, M. I., & Marques, A. E. F. (2021). The Effectiveness of the Vaccine and the Reinfection Wave by Covid-19: What the Reports Shows. Amadeus International Multidisciplinary Journal, 5(10), 79–83.
Author Biographies

Rivania Beatriz Novais Lima, Faculdade de Medicina Estácio de Juazeiro do Norte

Medical Student

Larissa Moreira Torres, Faculdade de Medicina Estácio de Juazeiro do Norte

Medical Student

Glauber Magalhães Pires, Faculdade de Medicina Estácio de Juazeiro do Norte.

Medical Student

Maria Isabel Fernandes Peixoto Furtado, Faculdade de Medicina Estácio de Juazeiro do Norte

Medical Student

Ana Emilia Formiga Marques, Faculdade de Medicina Estácio de Juazeiro do Norte

Master and Professor at the Faculty of Medicine Estácio de Juazeiro do Norte