Right Diaphragmatic Hernia: A Case Report

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Igor de Morais Marques
Ana Lígia Rocha Peixoto
Marcelo Félix de Freitas Freitas
Luis Henrique Santana Grangeiro
Francisco Felippe de Araújo Rolim
Eleazar Menezes Araujo
Maria Livia de Morais Marques
Maria Livia de Morais Marques


Abstract: Case report of a patient with chronic right diaphragmatic hernia. Patient in the emergency room of a trauma referral hospital with severe intestinal obstruction. Posttraumatic diaphragmatic hernia is an injury rarely found in medical practice, especially when it affects the right hemidiaphragm. The ruptures on the right side are associated with high morbidity and mortality and, therefore, the underdiagnosis of injuries on the right may be due to higher pre-hospital mortality or to a delay in the in-hospital diagnosis, often because of the variable degree of traumatic involvement. Blunt diaphragmatic rupture, as it is an uncommon condition, should have a high index of suspicion in patients suffering from thoracoabdominal trauma, regardless of the trauma mechanism. The association with multiple and severe injuries is frequent, presenting a considerable morbidity and mortality rate, due to the risks of immediate and late complications involved in the delay in diagnosis. 


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How to Cite
de Morais Marques, I., Peixoto, A. L. R., Freitas, M. F. de F., Grangeiro, L. H. S., Rolim, F. F. de A., Araujo, E. M., Marques, M. L. de M., & Marques, M. L. de M. (2021). Right Diaphragmatic Hernia: A Case Report. Amadeus International Multidisciplinary Journal, 5(10), 7–15. https://doi.org/10.14295/aimj.v5i10.156
Case Report
Author Biographies

Igor de Morais Marques

Cirurgião pela ESP/CE ; Residente de Coloproctologia pelo HFI/RJ


Ana Lígia Rocha Peixoto

Coloproctologista/ Hospital Regional do Cariri


Marcelo Félix de Freitas Freitas

Cirurgião geral/HRC

Luis Henrique Santana Grangeiro

  Cirurgião Oncologico/HRC

Francisco Felippe de Araújo Rolim

  Cirurgião do Aparelho Digestivo/HRC

Eleazar Menezes Araujo


Maria Livia de Morais Marques

  Acadêmica de Medicina/FAMENE-Mossoró

Maria Livia de Morais Marques

  Acadêmica de Medicina/FAMENE-Mossoró