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Abstract: Objective: To describe data on domestic violence against men. Method: This is an integrative literature review, carried out in the Scientific Electronic Electronic Library Online (SciELO), LILACS, and Capes Acadêmico portal between the years 2015 and 2020, with articles published in Portuguese, English and Spanish. 456 articles were found, of which 8 were selected and used in this review. The results showed that the man is also a victim of domestic violence suffering physical, psychological and sexual aggression. The aggressors are wives, mothers, sisters and daughters. Among the men attacked are husbands, brother children and sometimes the father himself. Men who are victims of domestic violence do not seek justice for two reasons: a) they do not believe that legal measures are taken, b) a complaint would expose them to society, which would be humiliating for them. Another important data from the results shows that the Maria da Penha Law, which supports women who are victims of men's violence, is not applicable when the actors are the same, however, the roles are reversed. Final considerations: Studies on this theme are scarce, which suggests the realization of new research as it is a subject of recognized scientific and social relevance.
Keywords: Gender-based violence. Domestic violence. Genre. Man.
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