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Francinete Alves de Oliveira Giffoni


Abstract: Sleep has been reported in several studies as an important function of the organism, as well as its deprivation as harmful to the production of defense cells, which affects our immunity.  It is also demonstrated in the literature that sleep is fundamental for the metabolism of free radicals and for the body to be able to restore cardiorespiratory functions.  The weakened immune system implies an increase in the chances of contracting infectious diseases, in addition to having difficulty recovering from relatively simple illnesses such as colds and flu.  This study discusses sleep and its implications for organismic immunity.  The results highlighted the need to perform sleep hygiene, defined as the change from dysfunctional patterns to a new organization of habits and activities that allow better sleep induction and quality.


Keywords: Sleep;  Immunity;  Quality of life.


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How to Cite
Giffoni, F. A. de O. (2020). SLEEP AND IMMUNITY. Amadeus International Multidisciplinary Journal, 5(9), 144–151.
Author Biography

Francinete Alves de Oliveira Giffoni, Federal University of Ceará

Graduated in Medicine - Federal University of Ceará (UFC).
Master in Educational Evaluation / UFC and PhD in Education / UFC. Master in PNL, International Master in Systemic Integral Coaching with expertise in performance of personal and professional excellence.


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