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Nadja Coelho da Silva
Lorena Pereira Bernardo
Nadijanne Coelho da Silva
Lucas Leimig Telles Parente
Conceição Maria Santos Correia de Souza
Maria das Graças Nascimento Silva
Maria Valéria Leimig Telles


Abstract: Postpartum depression can reach up to 15% of pregnant women in developed countries, 25% in underdeveloped countries and up to 40% throughout the perinatal period. Depressive mothers interact less with their children, they show less love and affection, and this may have an impact on the lives of these infants in the future. Babies who lived in this context had problems with language acquisition, cognitive impairment, delay in achieving developmental milestones, attachment insecure, low self-esteem. It is essential that the diagnosis of depression be made as early as possible so that therapeutic and preventive measures are implemented in a timely manner in order to provide healthy child growth and ensure the good mental health of these mothers.

Keywords: Postpartum depression; childish behaviour; mother-child relationship; diagnosis; pharmacological treatment; combination therapy;


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Como Citar
Silva, N. C. da, Bernardo, L. P., Silva, N. C. da, Parente, L. L. T., Souza, C. M. S. C. de, Silva, M. das G. N., & Telles, M. V. L. (2018). THE INFLUENCE OF POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION ON INFANT BEHAVIOR. Amadeus International Multidisciplinary Journal, 2(4), 71–76.
Biografia do Autor

Nadja Coelho da Silva, Federal University of Ceará, Brasil

Professora Adjunta.



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