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Manuela Sobral Bentes de Melo
Géssica de Paula Vasconcelos
Paula Fernanda Pessôa e Silva
Ana Olívia de Oliveira Marinho


Human papillomavirus (HPV) has a proven relation with cases of cervical cancer, with types 16 and 18 being at high oncogenic risk, thus being considered a predominant risk factor. This study aims to know the perception of women with HPV about their relationship with cervical cancer. A descriptive exploratory study of a qualitative nature was carried out in family health units located in the city of Brejo Santo. The sample consisted of 10 women with HPV diagnosed through pap smears, performed at family health units. For the data analysis, tables and themes were elaborated, followed by categories according to the women's statements. The data revealed that the most important risk factor was the precocity of sexual activity. As a response to the education and health activities, we verified that all were aware of the importance of the bi-annual follow-up to control the pathology. For the most part, the association of its contamination with the partner was revealed. Based not only on this study, we realized how essential it is to carry out sexual health education activities, aiming at the prevention of infections, or when not avoided, the appropriate treatment and control of complications.
Keywords: Cervical cancer, HPV, Interrelation, Preventive aspects.


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Como Citar
Melo, M. S. B. de, Vasconcelos, G. de P., Silva, P. F. P. e, & Marinho, A. O. de O. (2018). CERVICAL CANCER IN WOMEN WITH HPV. Amadeus International Multidisciplinary Journal, 2(4), 18–35. https://doi.org/10.14295/aimj.v2i4.24
Biografia do Autor

Manuela Sobral Bentes de Melo, Federal University of Ceará, Brasil

Professora Adjunta.


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