Conteúdo do artigo principal
Abstract: SARS-CoV-2 infection has had a major impact on global health, affecting from the respiratory system to the central nervous system, generating a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations. Stroke has been reported in the recent literature when addressing the neurological repercussions in patients affected by COVID-19, with unfavorable outcomes when compared to those not infected by SARS-CoV-2. There are multiple theories that try to elucidate neural clinical manifestations, from hematogenous infection to direct entry through the cribiform blade. This article shows a case report of a patient with COVID-19 and neurological involvement with diagnostic hypotheses of acute necrotizing encephalopathy, a rare post-viral infection condition in adults and ischemic stroke with subsequent hemorrhagic transformation, correlating the aspects observed in the image and in the patient's clinic with the current literature and theories.
Keywords: Coronavirus infections, Acute necrotizing encephalopathy, Hemorrhagic transformation, Ischemic stroke.
Detalhes do artigo
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