Reflections on Legal Language

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Geraldo Carreiro de Barros Filho
Larissa Sampaio Gonçalves Carreiro
Athena de Albuquerque Farias


The article proposes the discursion of what legal language is worth - its orality and its writing, support pillars of this field, which the Law Enforcement agents use in their profession to be well understood and thus win the case with the thesis presented in proceedings. What would be the characteristic of this profession? The need for conviction - a major tool of all those who take on the firm purpose of achieving justice, by right. There are understandings and theses in young scholars and others not so much, of those who are present in Warat, Koch, Bakhtin, and Tercero, who are fundamental to this study, who draw up understandings regarding the conduct and use of legal language, its current peculiarities and its traditions with a force of immutability, but that makes the legal work - teaching or militant, the differential of the operators that know and dominate and those who only observe.




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Como Citar
Barros Filho, G. C. de, Carreiro, L. S. G., & Farias, A. de A. (2017). Reflections on Legal Language. Amadeus International Multidisciplinary Journal, 2(3), 40–50.
Biografia do Autor

Geraldo Carreiro de Barros Filho, Federal University of Ceará, Brasil

Professora Adjunta.


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